Monday, January 31, 2011

swami vivekananda

Self Effort vs. Divine Grace

Once Swami Turiyananda was discussing spiritual matters with some young monks of the Order, when one of them said: Maharaj, now I have understood the way.

Swami Turiyananda asked: What is that?

The young monk replied: ˜To sit quietly on the mast of the ship [referring to Sri Ramakrishna's parable of a bird sitting on the mast of a ship on the high seas after flying in vain to all corners”east, west, north,and south”and not finding any resting place anywhere].

Swami Turiyananda quipped gently: ˜But when did you fly at all?

Always free on the spiritual plane; never free on the mental and physical— hence the struggle.

- Swami Vivekananda.
* Join Uttishthata

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