Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
b.k shivani.s mail
06:45 (5 hours ago)
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Many people feel internally and complain that their intellect is not as clear as they would like. One of the aims of meditation and spiritual knowledge is to make the intellect strong, clear and clean, as a result of which there is an increase in the power of discrimination. An increase in this power helps us maintain a sense of what is right and wrong while performing actions and implement that awareness.
Meditation brings about self-realizations whereby you realize what is happening inside you. Sometimes, while observing someone, we use the phrase: "He/she doesn't know what he/she is doing", referring to someone who is acting in an incorrect way. If we are to act in an appropriate way, we need to be aware and be awake to the consequences (results) of our actions. The voice of the conscience brings with it that state of awareness, awakening, realizing and discrimination. This is because, in meditation you feel quiet and you focus your thoughts inwards. In that state, the sound of the voice of the conscience is perceived and heard. It is a voice that is not affected by material worries or a preoccupation about one's image and public appearance. During meditation, you are completely focused on the present moment of spiritual empowerment and not distracted by: karmas which are necessary but unnecessary to be thought of that time, noise, unrelated ideas of the past and the future, mental chatter, etc., basically everything that separates you from your true spiritual self. In this way you can listen to yourself within and as a result ensure to the maximum extent that your karmas are appropriate and accurate.
Meditation brings about self-realizations whereby you realize what is happening inside you. Sometimes, while observing someone, we use the phrase: "He/she doesn't know what he/she is doing", referring to someone who is acting in an incorrect way. If we are to act in an appropriate way, we need to be aware and be awake to the consequences (results) of our actions. The voice of the conscience brings with it that state of awareness, awakening, realizing and discrimination. This is because, in meditation you feel quiet and you focus your thoughts inwards. In that state, the sound of the voice of the conscience is perceived and heard. It is a voice that is not affected by material worries or a preoccupation about one's image and public appearance. During meditation, you are completely focused on the present moment of spiritual empowerment and not distracted by: karmas which are necessary but unnecessary to be thought of that time, noise, unrelated ideas of the past and the future, mental chatter, etc., basically everything that separates you from your true spiritual self. In this way you can listen to yourself within and as a result ensure to the maximum extent that your karmas are appropriate and accurate.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Do you suffer from Pimples/Acne? Why not give Ayurveda a chance!
Try out some of these home remedies!
Home Remedies:
1. Prepare a paste by mixing equal quantities of saffron, turmeric, margosa (neem), red sandalwood, basil, and fuller’s earth with buttermilk or milk. Apply twice a day.
2. Prepare a powdered mixture of coriander seeds, fennel, basil, turmeric, and Indian gooseberry (amla; amalaki) in equal parts.
Take ½ teaspoon of this powder 15 minutes before lunch and dinner.
3. Have 1 teaspoon of powdered Indian gooseberry fruit (amla; amalaki) in morning and evening with water.
Diet and Lifestyle:
Avoid spicy, oily, bitter, and sour foods. Eat fresh, unprocessed food. Increase the use of herbs that have cooling effects on the body like fennel, coriander seeds, Indian gooseberry (amla; amalaki), and aloe vera. Increase intake of water to about 8-10 glasses per day, and take coconut water. Wash your face frequently with mild herbal soaps. Cleanse your face with lemon peels.
Do you suffer from Pimples/Acne? Why not give Ayurveda a chance!
Try out some of these home remedies!
Home Remedies:
1. Prepare a paste by mixing equal quantities of saffron, turmeric, margosa (neem), red sandalwood, basil, and fuller’s earth with buttermilk or milk. Apply twice a day.
2. Prepare a powdered mixture of coriander seeds, fennel, basil, turmeric, and Indian gooseberry (amla; amalaki) in equal parts.
Take ½ teaspoon of this powder 15 minutes before lunch and dinner.
3. Have 1 teaspoon of powdered Indian gooseberry fruit (amla; amalaki) in morning and evening with water.
Diet and Lifestyle:
Avoid spicy, oily, bitter, and sour foods. Eat fresh, unprocessed food. Increase the use of herbs that have cooling effects on the body like fennel, coriander seeds, Indian gooseberry (amla; amalaki), and aloe vera. Increase intake of water to about 8-10 glasses per day, and take coconut water. Wash your face frequently with mild herbal soaps. Cleanse your face with lemon peels.
Try out some of these home remedies!
Home Remedies:
1. Prepare a paste by mixing equal quantities of saffron, turmeric, margosa (neem), red sandalwood, basil, and fuller’s earth with buttermilk or milk. Apply twice a day.
2. Prepare a powdered mixture of coriander seeds, fennel, basil, turmeric, and Indian gooseberry (amla; amalaki) in equal parts.
Take ½ teaspoon of this powder 15 minutes before lunch and dinner.
3. Have 1 teaspoon of powdered Indian gooseberry fruit (amla; amalaki) in morning and evening with water.
Diet and Lifestyle:
Avoid spicy, oily, bitter, and sour foods. Eat fresh, unprocessed food. Increase the use of herbs that have cooling effects on the body like fennel, coriander seeds, Indian gooseberry (amla; amalaki), and aloe vera. Increase intake of water to about 8-10 glasses per day, and take coconut water. Wash your face frequently with mild herbal soaps. Cleanse your face with lemon peels.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Saturday, July 13, 2013
b.k shivani
06:59 (10 hours ago)
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When the subtle, spiritual aspect of cooking is taken into consideration, the role of the cook extends from simply creating tasty, nourishing meals with fresh ingredients, to including a spiritual connection with those who will be eating that food. The aim will be to touch and fill the heart as well as the stomach. The love of the cook, and his or her motivation to offer sustenance, will nourish as much as the physical components of each dish. Food cooked by a person who is angry, depressed or full of arrogance or hatred will have a different effect from food cooked with feelings of love, peace and the pure desire to serve. In other words, we are what we eat but also the thoughts, feelings and attitudes that go into what we are eating. Even in today's hectic lifestyle, when there sometimes seems to be hardly enough time to cook, let alone do so peacefully and caringly, it is therefore definitely beneficial to develop a positive attitude towards cooking. Before undertaking any food preparation, remind yourself that the task at hand can and should be an enjoyable and creative activity or experience, rather than an unpleasant, time-consuming activity. A good practice, then, is to meditate before cooking and then to let preparing the meal itself be a creative, meditative experience which yields a balanced, health-promoting diet for the body as a temple for the soul deity. Food always tastes better when it has been flavored or with love and happiness.
(To be continued tomorrow …)
(To be continued tomorrow …)
Friday, July 12, 2013
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Sunday, July 7, 2013
raghava reddy -86 th year birthday
I enter 86 th year of my age and feel happy. But mere adding years to age is not enough, as though breath were life .We must bear in mind Swami Vivekananda's comment.
"They alone live who live for others, rest are more dead than alive"
Life itself has no value. Values have to be built by learning from profound thinkers, learned writers, wisdom spreading persons without jealousy and ego.
“Anyone who stops learning is old;
Anyone who keeps learning stays young.
The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young”.
.........Henry Ford
My experience tells me that my happiness lies in arranging my Mind than furniture in my room. It is a decision I take every morning when I wake up. I have a choice.
I can spend the day in the bed recounting difficulty I have with the parts of the body that no longer work or get out of the bed and be thankful if the other parts of the body do not give trouble.
Each day is a gift of God as long as my eyes open. I derive inspiration from the famous Urdu poet Allama Iqbal who in his oriental wisdom, asked us to learn from the wave, which says of to itself;
In oldage maintain young spirit as Rabinranath Tagore said;
“Let your life lightly dance on the edge of time; like dew on the tip of a leaf”
Eminent Professor I V Chelpati Rao in one of his books says that when a famous woman writer was felicitated in a meeting of her numerous admirers on her 90 Th birthday and a speaker expressed his wish that she should live to become a centenarian, she said in her reply why do you set limits to God’s bounty?
“All the sugar is at the bottom of the cup. Real pleasure is advanced age when minds are mature and judgement becomes mellowed. These are the golden years of life”
Prof Dr Rao 92, hale and healthy is visiting professor to various universities and a distinguished writer. Recently I met him in a function.
I asked him how are you Sir; smilingly he said the sugar is in the bottom of the cup,Raghav Keep going with the feeling of fulfilment which is the greatest achievement in life.
I was reminded of the ancient Sanskrit saying;
“When you were born you cried
while the world rejoiced,
Live your life in such a way that when you die
the world cries while you rejoice.”
Coming to my health problem I am bedridden with severe spine ache apart from stomach Cancer. I avoided risky spine surgery in Hinduja Hospital Mumbai and managing excruciating pain myself by sheer will power keeping in mind these wise words;
"Humble yourself and show panorama of your good heart
Be content with what you have;
Rejoice in the way things are.
When you realize there is nothing
the whole world belongs to you.
-- Tao Te Ching
With all rhese dreadful ailments I will try to be amongst you ..
Please open the link and hear this song of Rafi.
b.k shivani ji
To conquer ego, humility and honesty are required. We need the courage to look into the self honestly and acknowledge that the characteristics of I know and I control exist and have to be removed, if there is to be truth and happiness inside. We need to remember the original - I am e.g. * I am a child of the Supreme Soul, similar to him in qualities and powers, * I am the soul which is seated on the Supreme Being's (God's) heart throne, * I am a knowledgeful soul, * I am a blissful soul who gifts everyone with the treasure of happiness etc.
Through meditation and remembering the true - I am (shared above), the pollution of the selfish ego is gradually replaced by the remembrance and the experience of the pure self: the I that is not attached to anything, or anyone, but is completely whole within itself. The expression of this pure entity is not selfish but selfless and the person begins to share with others, everything that he/she possesses – knowledge, specialties, talents, virtues etc. where necessary, facilitating the awakening of the true potential of others, just like sunlight. Light is a great facilitator. It steps in, awakens and then moves on. An ego less person acts, interacts and expresses themselv
Through meditation and remembering the true - I am (shared above), the pollution of the selfish ego is gradually replaced by the remembrance and the experience of the pure self: the I that is not attached to anything, or anyone, but is completely whole within itself. The expression of this pure entity is not selfish but selfless and the person begins to share with others, everything that he/she possesses – knowledge, specialties, talents, virtues etc. where necessary, facilitating the awakening of the true potential of others, just like sunlight. Light is a great facilitator. It steps in, awakens and then moves on. An ego less person acts, interacts and expresses themselv
Friday, July 5, 2013
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